I was having trouble deciding what to write about this week. Coming up with quality content (which I hope this is) can be challenging. And coming up with it once a week can be a problem. This week, I decided to write about what inspires my content.
So, what inspires me?
My family. My wife has done (and is doing) some amazing things, putting up with me as a prime example. I learn a lot from her, my kids, and my parents.
Friends. I have amazing friends who constantly push me to be a better version of myself. If it's true that you are the average of the top five people you spend your time with, I'm all set. For content, Jeff recommends a ton of great books, Mickey writes a daily blog (which is crazy), and Sanjay for music and tech stuff.
Books. I've grown to love reading more and more over the last few years. I not only listen to books while doing other things, but I also read a lot.
Podcasts. I love podcasts that can teach me and challenge me. There are so many intelligent people out there putting out free content; it's an amazing time to consume content.
People that suck. This is a weird one. But I've gotten a lot of inspiration from watching bad leaders, unskilled communicators, and generally unkind people. I've had a front-row seat to some terrible leadership (in my local community), and it has amazed me how quickly bad leadership can take something from terrific to terrible in a snap.
What about you? What inspires you?
Originally posted on my blog at adamjwalker.com
Great reading from this week
Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years
I’m very concerned about guns killing kids. I hope you are too.3 Powerful ‘Keystone’ Habits To Fast-Track Your Self-Improvement
Exercise, sleep, and planning.First instincts are often wrong
Think your first guess on that test is correct? It probably isn’t.How I Write 480,000 Words a Month and Never Run out of Ideas
Book recommendation
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
The facts you think about the world may very well be outdated; mine sure were. For example, did you know that 80% of children in the world are vaccinated? I had no idea!
Great podcast episodes to check out
Why stupid people think they’re smart - Nudge
The less you know, the more you tend to think you know.Special Episode: Tiffany Dover Speaks - NBC News
If you missed this podcast last summer, it was fascinating and worth your time. It explores how internet conspiracy theories start and spread.
My podcasts to check out
Tech Talk Y'all - My tech/comedy news podcast.
Real Pink - I host the national podcast for Susan G. Komen. If you want some inspiration or information about breast cancer, give it a listen.
While Daring Greatly - My podcast.
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