More Focus = More Success. 5 Tips to Make It Easy
I confess I struggle with focus. But my friend Kathryn O'Day does not. That’s why today’s newsletter is a guest post from her.
Kathryn and I have been friends for years, from when she was COO at a fast-growing startup to today, as she works in Venture Capital. She has always been among the smartest and best-read people I know, which is why I thought you should hear from her and recommend you subscribe to her substack (because it’s fantastic).
More Focus = More Success. 5 Tips to Make It Easy
Focus is a superpower.
It will help you in all areas of life for your whole life.
But what if you’re easily distracted like I am????
Fear not, shiny object friends, focus can improve with effective strategies, practice, and fine-tuning over time.
Here are 5 straightforward tactics to stay on track with your biggest goals and top priorities — every day, every month, every year!
1. Know Your Priorities
The most important part of focus?
Knowing what to focus on!!
(Thank you, Captain Obvious.)
Lots of resources out there to help you figure this out! Some are big picture, some are tactical. They can be applied to personal, professional, or both.
A few to get you started:
I love creating a personal or business BHAG (mine is here).
3 Big Questions For a Frantic Family is a great book for alignment and goal setting (for families and beyond) when you’re short on time.
2. Lean Into Your Strengths
Personality assessments are great tools for focus and productivity.
They teach you about yourself so you can do what feels easy for you.
Do you love process? Do you hate process but love big challenges? Do you collaborate well? Or more of a lone wolf? Learn by doing or like to research first?
No wrong answers!
Know yourself and incorporate your strengths into your strategy.
3. Say No
Arguably the most important and powerful way to stay focused…say no to anything not aligned with your goals.
It’s really, really hard.
I write about it a lot — mostly to remind myself and expand my toolset!
Saying no is really saying YES to your highest priorities!
4. Block Time
Nothing destroys focus and flow like random meetings.
Saying no isn’t enough.
You have to give yourself chunks of time to work on the important stuff.
Use calendar blocks (how to & example) and meeting scheduling strategies to maximize your focus!
Another way to “block time” is to set up accountability meetings — an appointment with an executive coach, quarterly reviews with an investor, or a working session with a colleague.
5. Stay Vigilant
Be a focus vigilante!
Distractions will slowly creep in. A meeting here, another commitment there.
A regular productivity audit keeps you honest and the calendar clutter out!
Feeling too busy to focus?
That’s a perfect time to audit or revisit steps #1-4!
What are your best strategies for focus? How do you make time to achieve your goals?
Just a reminder, this post was written by my friend Kathryn O'Day. I recommend reading more of her writing, which is always insightful, challenging, and full of great tools, links, and ideas.
Thanks for your insight today, Kathryn!