My writing is about sharing what I'm learning and refining my thinking. But today, I'm asking for a little help (so please forgive this break with my norm).
With a daughter about to go to college, I've decided to start a side hustle in addition to my podcast-first marketing content agency. I'm looking to do some fractional marketing work for nonprofits looking to grow. I help create a marketing plan, goals, processes, and team to help nonprofits reach the next level.
How can you help?
Do you know any nonprofits or nonprofit leaders that could use some marketing help? Can you send them my way? Please forward this to them with a blurb about me or my writing, and they can click the button below to find out more. That's it; 15 seconds of your time is all I'm asking for. Thanks for your help.
Great reading from this week
Why You Should Send a Weekly Summary Email
It keeps you focused on the right things and accountable for productive work.These are the next 6 industries that are ripe for tech disruption
This is a pretty interesting list. Make me wonder what I could start up… :)Want to Be More Productive? Stop Trying to Finish Every Task, and Do This Instead
Manage your energy instead of checking off tasks.
Book recommendation
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It by Chris Voss
This is a book about negotiation written by the FBI's former top hostage negotiator. It’s full of interesting stories and amazing strategies on how to be a better negotiator. For example, you want to ask questions that get people to say no, rather than getting to yes.
Great podcasts to check out
The Day the Music Stopped from 99% Invisible
This episode is about the almost two-year strike when musicians refused to record their music. It’s a fascinating look at music history and the fight against progressing technology, which was the record at the time.Guts! Courage. from The Moth
This episode has great stories about courage. And one really funny one was about a male journalist doing a nude photo shoot and having it published in a magazine.
My Podcasts to check out
Tech Talk Y'all - My tech/comedy news podcast.
Real Pink - I host the national podcast for Susan G. Komen. If you want some inspiration or information about breast cancer, give it a listen.
While Daring Greatly - My podcast.
Do me a favor?
Did you find anything helpful or interesting here? Pay me back by subscribing to my YouTube channel and sharing it with someone. Thanks for reading!